About Us

15 Years Experience

With years of industry experience, We have established ourself as a trusted provider of ground security services. We have successfully served a wide range of clients, including residential complexes, commercial properties, educational institutions, and more. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the security industry.

Govt Approved

Our security services have been meticulously reviewed and approved by the government, ensuring that we meet and exceed the stringent standards set for the industry.

Award Winning

Recognized for our exceptional contributions to the field of security, we are proud recipients of prestigious awards that highlight our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.


Our Staff


Happy Client


Project Complete


Award Winning
Why Choose Us?

Top Level Security


We deliver top-level security solutions to safeguard your premises and protect what matters most.

High Security

Experience a heightened level of security with our robust measures and comprehensive strategies.

Trained Guards

Our security personnel undergo rigorous training programs to ensure they are skilled in handling diverse security challenges.

Govt Approved

Rest assured that our services meet stringent government standards and regulations for reliable and compliant security solutions.

Award Winning

We have been recognized for our excellence in the security industry, reflecting our commitment to delivering top-notch services.

Latest Equipments

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment, we stay ahead of evolving security threats to provide optimal protection.

24/7 Support

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment, we stay ahead of evolving security threats to provide optimal protection.

Direct contact with us

At our Company, we offer unmatched ground security services backed by a team of skilled professionals and advanced technology. Our 24/7 support ensures round-the-clock protection for your premises. With government approval and award-winning services, we are your trusted partner in safeguarding what matters most. Contact us today for comprehensive security solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Get In Touch

Prathmesh Raja 4th floor, Plot No. 12
Untkhana Road Ashok Chowk Nagpur -440 009


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